
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weigh in and other stuff.

I just did my weekly weigh in and its been a rollercoaster. Apparently I havent lost any weight. Which is really frustrating me. I also have been trying to work out but my body just sucks right now.I've been extremely sore since I started the 30 day shred and my DR told me to take it easier. Hopefully we will have a better week next week!

On another note, I have had a pretty awesome week! We went to Bavarian Grill (German restaurant) with my In-laws on Friday night which is always fun! Who knew German food was amazing?? Husband also let me pick out a photo printer so now I can actually try to scrap more as well! :) And today, hopefully we will welcome our new niece into the world. Besides this stupid little throat or ear infection which decided to come back, all is good :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How its going.

Today is Day 3 and I feel AMAZING now that i've started working out again. I had forgotten HOW awesome working out makes me feel and that runner's high and just how great of a mood it puts me in!! Endorphines ROCK! :)) My daughter let me workout for an entire HOUR as well, which is a great achievement in itself. I am now a firm believer that anyone who says they have no time (especially stay at home moms) are just making excuses! I'm busy as hell and I get my workouts in! I really feel like i'm finally on my way to my jeans again!! :))

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

DAY 1.

Tuesday, Feb 16 was Day 1 of what I'm calling my "Total Body Makeover". I got the all clear from my OBGYN on Monday to go back to normal life so I hit the treadmill today. Nothing fancy, just did 30 minutes of walking on a 2% incline. I figured it would probably be smarter to ease my way back then to jump full force and be miserable. Right after, my husband treated me to one last thing and I went and got my hair done. Full base color and a head full of highlights. I havent done anything to my hair in almost 2 years and while it definitely came out amazing, I couldnt help but wonder what I could have gotten done the 8 hours I was at the salon. I'm such a mom. I'm running on pure adrenaline by now (thanks to no sleep) but I'm hoping to up my time on the treamill tomorrow. (Or today since it's 130am).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I've started.Or atleast tried to.

I have managed to stay pretty much out of the kitchen but counting my calories is HARD! I'm really doing horrible at it because I just cant get myself into diet mode without working out. So I get the all clear Monday the 15th so i'm giving myself a break. As long as I dont gain any weight, i'm just going to monitor what I eat and not go full blown until I'm able to wholeheartedly work out again. Either way, i'm about to enjoy a meatball sub on Wheat bread!! YUMMY!

I have been doing good drinking water though. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


It will be exactly 1 month on Friday since I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Julee, and therefore, frustrated by my lack of movement on the scale. I have lost a total of 25 pounds since I gave birth but I still have about 45-50 left to go. I have one week from next Monday until my DR gives me a clean bill of health and this whole restricting my food thing is not for me anymore. Sure, about 2 years ago I was able to live off of 800 calories a day, Diet Coke and cigarettes everytime I got hungry but I just cant do it anymore. I dont know if it's my body getting older (HAHA), lack of discipline, or my body still recouperating. Either way, i'm depressed. I'm looking at a closet full of jeans and shirts that are nowhere near fitting. Still stuck in ugly maternity.

Last year I made a New Year's resolution to lose atleast 40 pounds this year. And i'm gonna stick with it. So after reading Jillian Michael's personalized plan, buying her 30 day Shred DVD and just doing research I have decided that I'm not going to let my daughter remember ever looking at me like this and actually start trying to lose the weight. Call me vain, whatever. But last time it took me close to 2 years to lose it and it's NOT going to be like that this time. Here's the plan:

1.)WEEKLY weigh-ins. I'm tired of weighing myself every morning only to be dissapointed.
2.)No more eating after 7pm. Enough said.
3.)Keep my calorie count under 1200.
4.)40minutes+ of cardio 6x a week. *
5.)Strength training 3-4x a week.*
6.)Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred 5x a week*
7.)Drink 8-10 glasses (or in my case waterbottles) of water each day.
8.)Eat atleast 1 serving of protein each day.

I use to follow this same routine before so i'm hoping I can ease my way back into it. :) Wish me luck!