
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

DAY 1.

Tuesday, Feb 16 was Day 1 of what I'm calling my "Total Body Makeover". I got the all clear from my OBGYN on Monday to go back to normal life so I hit the treadmill today. Nothing fancy, just did 30 minutes of walking on a 2% incline. I figured it would probably be smarter to ease my way back then to jump full force and be miserable. Right after, my husband treated me to one last thing and I went and got my hair done. Full base color and a head full of highlights. I havent done anything to my hair in almost 2 years and while it definitely came out amazing, I couldnt help but wonder what I could have gotten done the 8 hours I was at the salon. I'm such a mom. I'm running on pure adrenaline by now (thanks to no sleep) but I'm hoping to up my time on the treamill tomorrow. (Or today since it's 130am).

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