
Friday, July 27, 2012

Disney Princess Paper Doll

Hiiiii! :)) As most of you know, Julie is a HUGE HUGE HUGE Disney Princess fan (and while we are at it, I will admit to it too! ;) and she absolutely ADORES the Disney Princess website. (If you haven't checked it out, you really should! It is SO cute!)

So she loves paper dolls and the website has a paper doll template that you can print out and then cut out and glue together to make your own. I thought, hmmm, 'I wonder if I can do it on my Cameo?' and guess what? I did! Therefore saving me having to cut anything out with scissors! (I'm SO very lazy now!) If any of you own the Cameo and would like the template all ready to go, email me at and I will send it to you!

Here are a few pics of the doll and of course, my own real life princess :)

This is the pieces after they have been printed and cut by the Cameo

Adorable right? We had to add some "bling" because some words printed out on her dress and we wanted to cover it up!
 And here is my real life princess, Julie, admiring her doll. It's amazing what makes her happy! 

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