
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tornados and...CREATOPIA!

First of all, thank you to all of you who prayed for our family during the tornados and storms that just swept through Dallas and surrounding areas. Our family and property is safe but continue to pray for those who were affected. As a native Californian, I can never get use to the tornados and it scares me but God is in control! :)

Well, before the bad weather our UPS man dropped off my new toy..the Xyron Creatopia! I am SO excited for this, it can make anything up to 12" into a sticker PLUS it can do embossing up to 12", laminate and magnets oh and die cuts. The best part though is that is cost me a whoppin' $59! This machine is at least $120 at Michaels plus it came with a tote bag for it. So excited, just wanted to share. This baby is HUGE. Like about the length of my Cricut Expression :)


  1. congrats on your new toy.Hope to see some projects with your new machine.

  2. Happy to hear that you and your family are nice and safe! I was at work in downtown and my office does not have windows, so I didn't even realize how horrible it was until my coworker came in and told me the sirens were going off! Yikes! And, your new toy looks like fun! Can't wait to see what your create with it!

  3. Glad you guys are safe!!! Can't wait to see what you do with the Creatopia!

  4. Have fun, can't wait to see what you create!

  5. Glad you are all safe too! I'm new to your blog and a new follower! I love your new machine! If you get a chance come and visit me!

