
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mexican Paper Doll- Ole Cartridge

Wow! It feels like FOREVER since i've been on here :) It's been so incredibly busy and crazy with us moving into our new home and getting settled in,etc. Now we are kinda getting back into a routine so hopefully I get more time to craft :)

I was so excited when PC announced the Ole cartridge, not only because of my Mexicanness (haha!) but because my kids had to make paperdolls showcasing their heritage and this was perfect! Well, I received it on Saturday and I got right to work making Jacob his paperdoll. I wanted it to look like him in his regular day clothes but wearing some traditional "accessories" so I made him a sombrero and maraccas. Of course, used my Peachy Keen face stamps and inked him. He came out sooooo cute!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year Resolutions!

Wow, it's been a month since I last posted! Sorry- we've just had a crazy past few weeks with the holidays, moving to a bigger house, my husband trying to find another job, a few health tests (luckily everything came back normal!) and a princess turning 2 it's just been sooooo insanely busy! Today I want to write about New Years Resolutions and give you a bit of mine :) I have actually always done pretty good with keeping them but this time I'm going to use my blog to once again, update it with my progress so if I don't always post about "crafty" stuff, sorry! :D

After I had my daughter in January of 2010 I decided to go on a diet and of course, lost the 75+ pounds I had gained. By January of '11 I had lost 70 of those pounds and life was great, then my husband lost his job and I just couldn't fit off the stress and the weight started creeping back up. This entire past year I have been fighting this battle, everyday saying "today is the day" and then falling off the wagon time and time again. Well now that we are in the new year and I have managed to gain back 30 pounds, I have restarted counting my WW points and rejoined a gym so wish me luck! I hope to be able to celebrate my birthday in my size 6 dress that I last wore 3 years ago! :) I have downloaded Fitness Pal on my iphone and iTrackBites so i'm hoping that will help with my calories :) I plan on updating my blog weekly with progress notes along the way.

Resolution #2- LEARN HOW TO COOK! We've been blessed with being able to move into a much bigger house and with that comes more kitchen space! For the time being, we have to really cut back so I really want to learn how to cook to be able to save money,etc. I have been Pinning different ideas on Pinterest that i can't wait to try out! :)

I hope you all had a great Holiday and are getting back to regular life! :)


Current Weight- 175
Goal Weight- 125
2lb weight loss a week