
Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Testament cart

I have had my eye on this particular cartridge since it was first released but had absolutely NO luck finding it anywhere! So on Black Friday I asked my husband (who is a Michaels manager) to keep an eye out for one. They didn't get any in but the Joanns did and they were selling theirs for $26! :) yippeee! I was so excited to score one and couldn't wait to make a project (cause you know I just had to absolutely have it!) and it's been 3 weeks and just barely broke it out :/ lol.

A little bit of back story here- I grew up being a P.K. (or for those who don't know, Preacher's Kid). My father was a spanish minister for our local Church of Christ since I was about 5 years old until I turned 17 so I grew up with biblical values and teachings. Now, being the rebellious teen I was, I went down a bad path for a bit until finally growing up and realizing that I needed God and church back in my life (and to also raise my own children). So now my family is back in church, (we are still members of the Church of Christ, that'll never change!) and life is gooood. Have i ever told you guys how blessed I truly am? I might bicker and whine but God always sees us through, we've had a VERY challenging year and now it looks like i'm finishing off the year with what the doctor believes to be a kidney stone but I KNOW that God is in control (I do have to keep reminding myself, i'm only human!). He truly is good and he is LOVE! :)

Anyways, so obviously totally not ashamed to proclaim my love of the Lord and if you were to ever walk through my house you will be constantly reminded :) So I thought that cutting out this bible verse on my Cricut Mini would go GREAT under my Jesus Christ wall hanging :)) I love this cart, I cannot wait to cut out more verses and just scatter them throughout my house!

Also, thought I would put some pics of my kiddos anxiously awaiting under the Christmas tree...they are my GREATEST blessings!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sophie Blog Hop!

Hey guys! Welcome to the Sophie Blog Hop! This hop will feature projects made using the Cricut Circle Exclusive cartridge Sophie. This is the first cartridge of the Circle's second year! All of the bloggers today are Cricut Circle members. Interesting in learning more about the Circle? Click HERE.

If you are starting from my blog make sure you head on over to Michelle over HERE, where the blog hop starts! There is quite a bit of inspiration so make sure you check everyone out :)

First I wanted to share a picture of my little girl, people say she is my mini me :)She loves pink, glitter, Disney Princesses and as you can see, she LOVES the Cricut. (Don't worry, she didn't touch anywhere near the blade!)

I'll be honest with you. I wasn't a fan of this cartridge in the beginning. I'm very "cutesy", I like child like characters mainly because most of my scrapbooking is of my kids and I make the occassional card that is usually intended for children as well (LOTS of nieces and nephews!). But once I really started to look at the booklet, I fell in love with the butterflies and thought this doily backgruond would be perfect for a scrapbook page! Very simple page but you can see that teh design makes it look like some effort was put into it :) The awesome thing about this design is that I was able to use my extra butterflies (the negatives) and offset a few to make it really pop. Did some faux stitching and that's it! :D

**You could also use the extras for a card or something!**

That's me and my honey :) I love him for him, but I also love him because he supports my scrapbooking obsession ;)

Thank you for stopping by! :)) Your next stop is Rexann over HERE!