
Thursday, October 20, 2011


I have 3 8x8 shadowboxes that my husband helped me etch with each of our kids names and I hang them up in our living room to showcase them. The object is to rotate them throughout the year and season and so today I decided to change out Bradley's :)

I call this my Cricutless layout because I used a Kid Page kit from Michaels for the stickers (which I RARELY use) and also ribbon from Hobby Lobby. I did use the tab from 'From my Kitchen' but you can make those easily without a Cricut :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cricut Mini-Winner! :)

Thank you guys for being so patient with me while I chose a winner! We had a fun weekend at the lake house with my husband's family and also today was reserved for church and family so I didn't get to choose a winner until tonight! chose number 39 which was

Yay! I will be emailing you tomorrow to get your info to get your little guy out to you...thanks to all of you who entered! I actually know of a few people who will be doing giveaways of Cricut minis so I will be sure to post some up for you when I hear :)

I know I said I wouldn't be posting up anymore on the mini's but I just had to show you my collection now! I now have 4 distinct colors thanks to some awesome ladies on the mb! I'm happy with 4 because I have all the colors of my machines now! :)

So this week I plan on actually trying to catch up on some scrapbooking- I have to change out the kid's shadowboxes because they are quickly becoming outdated (my oldest son gained about 10 pounds since then!) and get some baby stuff out and mailed (I very much don't like running the errands part of it! lol- I love making the stuff, it's the getting to the post office that gets me!)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Newest addition to my Cricut family ;)

So most of you know that I got a DSLR Canon Rebel from hubby as an early Xmas gift :) So I found this awesome weekly course over at TwoPeas in a Bucket and I decided to start today cause I'm so tired of having this awesome camera and not knowing how to do anything besides mode! LOL This week they focus on Aperture which is the different focuses you can get. While I didn't want to bore you with a photography how to, figured I'd show you pics of my newest PINK Cricut Mini Collectible who served as my "model" since all my children are asleep ;)

Isn't she sooooo cute?! She arrived today and she was a trade from a wonderful lady on the MB! She wasn't too fond of pink and I was like "OMG! Who doesn't like pink?!" hahahaha...In my world that's impossible! ;) I'm so excited to have her (and to the friend- your purple one is ready to go!) This is the whole reason why I wanted to get at least 1 but ended up with 6! (Out of which 5 were purple!) lol

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Giveaway! Cricut Mini Collectible- PURPLE :)

Hey guys! So what are the chances that of course I would order 6 Cricut Collectibles and 5 would be purple?? Well, obviously good because that is what happened to me! :/ I found a home for a lovely one who is in turn giving me their Pink one (yayyyy!) but I'm giving one of these little guys away HERE! :)
Ok, just leave me a comment below telling me you'd like to be entered :) As usual, please be a follower and also if you post to your own blog or Facebook page, let me know and I will enter you in more times accordingly :) I'll leave this open until October 14th at midnight :) Good luck!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Steps Card and Scrap storage

I have a good friend back home who just had a little girl and she named her Mia so of course, I had to make her a card :) I used scrap paper to make it, embossed the top half, added some ribbon and used a little girl from Baby Steps. I made the blocks myself and instead of cutting out the small letters, I went ahead and used my Cricut markers to make the letters and spell her name out.I wanted it to look like she was on top of a block but eh. I'm not impressed with this card but I think she'll love it haha :) Simple but cute I believe :)

PS. I wanted to show you my new little Cricut friend, my Imagine Cricut Collectible! I traded with a great person off the messageboard for my blue one (i'm looking really only to have the ones with the machines I have) so I was so excited when she wanted to trade! :) I'm expecting 4 more tomorrow so i'm hoping hoping hoping I get a pink one! :) Like I said, be on the look out for a possible trade post or giveaway ;)

Also- I wanted to show you guys how I finally organized my extra scraps. I had them all in a drawer and I was just not using it and I was wasting SO much paper. So I got a filing cube from Walmart for $1 (in pink!!), added some filing folders, labeled each one and now place each color scrap in it's individual spot. PERFECT!I can't tell you how much paper this has saved me already :D