
Monday, August 22, 2011

First VLOG!

Hey guys! :) So I thought today I would post my first ever VLOG. I have always wanted to actually "talk" to you guys and then I discovered the webcam on my laptop! LOL. Sorry the quality is not all that great, I hope to be upgrading to a Macbook in the next few weeks but for now, this will do! :) Also PLEASE excuse my hair and the fact that i'm not wearing any makeup. I did this quick video right after I put my daughter down for a nap and I worked out so it's not my best look. LOL

Really quick, this video is just an opening for what I will be doing from now on. I started the Body by Vi challenge last Thursday and wanted to show all of you my progress as I go throughout the weeks and also, show you guys some scrapbook layouts I have made while MIA.

Don't forget to become a subscriber to my YouTube channel to get more updates on my Vlogs. I will do my updates over there and try to keep this blog crafty only :)

**If you wanna jump ahead to the "Cricut" talk, it's about minuter 5:00. :)**

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