
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Birthday Blog Hop!

Hey guys! First off, I wanna wish Ms. Kristen over at My Fantabulous Life a very happy birthday! This blog hop is in honor of her! :) If you came from TxScrapperMomthen you are in the right place! If you didn't and you'd like to see all the projects from the beginning just click on Kristen's link at the top! As this is a 2 day hope, don't forget to check back tomorrow!

My DD turned a year old not too long ago and I wanted to show case her Mickey/Minnie Mouse birthday banner! She loved it (she is a HUGE Disney fan, already!) and I think it would make the cutest addition to any bday party! :-) I cut out the ears at 5" using Mickey Font and the letters as well at 3 1/2". SUPER SIMPLE! Then I just punched holes on the ears and tied them together with ribbon!

Don't forget to visit Kristen as she has some blog candy for you! And your next stop is at Momto2cuties! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Teresa Collins Stampmaker is here!

Hey guys! So....after a very sad day for us yesterday, I got my Teresa Collins Stampmaker in the mail which helped brighten my day today! Even though my family is now feeling the effects of this horrible economy, I still believe in enjoying life, being grateful for what we do have and praising God even though his answers and path for our lives might not be what we wanted. I know that God has a bigger and better plan for my family and hopefully better opportunities for my husband's career now!

Ok- now on to my happy post! LOL. Like I said, I got my TC Stampmaker today and I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE. it. Seriously. It is soooooo easy to use and I cannot wait to make something of my own now. This video I made is just the contents that it came with but I plan on making a video soon on how to actually make your own stamps! Don't you just love the crown?! I kinda "scraplifted" the idea from the box it came with but added my own little twist. The bottom stamp is embossed and even though this layout is probably the simplest of mine to date, it's seriously, my fave. I think i'm falling in love with stamping! :) Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Imagine- Friend card

It's been awhile since I've posted anything done from my Imagine (wow, it's been a while since I've done a lot of things!LOL) but I recently reconnected with my childhood best friend and I wanted to send her a quick card to let her know I'm thinking about her. I was able to get the Imagine More Cards cartridge from Amazon for $5.21 and was SO excited when it showed up at my door today! YES, you read right. $5.21. It ended up being a typo and a lot of people got their orders cancelled but I was one of the lucky few who got my cart! Woohoo! I have wanted this one for a while but I wasn't ready to pay upwards of $40 for an Art cart that I didn't really need. LOL. So when I was looking through the booklet, I thought this cut and art was perfect for my little card and all I did was added pop dots to the word Friend and to the butterfly, added some jewels and faux stitching and that was it! Super easy which is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE my I! =) Hope you enjoy!

**Oh and looks like it is almost time for yet ANOTHER +100 followers giveaway...stay tuned for that once I get closer to 400!**

Friday, January 21, 2011

Emma's Throwback Thursday Challenge

It's been a while since I've entered any challenges so today I found myself with quite a bit of time so decided to make an entry for the Throwback Thursday challenge since it was using one of my fave carts, Paperdolls! I made this card thinking of my sister and how girly we are and of course, used Pink by Design's stamp sentiment from her Shopoholic set. I chose the sentiment because of the little "belt" I made for her dress, I thought it was appropriate! :)

Have a great and safe weekend!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

iRock giveaway winner, Boys Will Be Boys Layout and Update!

iRock giveaway- Finally managed to pick a winner and it is SUCOR! I will be contacting you within this week to get your info and send you out your iRock! Congrats and thanks guys for being so patient!! :)

Sorry guys- it's been a crazy week with finals and schoolwork, that I've barely had time to breathe, let alone scrapbook! I got this week off of school so i'm pretty excited about that because I finally got to make a layout! As you know, I have 2 little boys who I absolutely ADORE! And my favorite cartridge for their layouts is definitely Boys Will Be Boys. It's not frilly or girly at all and it goes great with the All About Boys paper pack from DCWV. I love how all the colors makes it seem like I have a lot of stuff going on in the page but it was super easy to make! Also, I got to try out the "centerpoint" feauture on the Expression for the first time and i'm obsessed! (That's the little circle pic on the right hand).

So as a few of you know, my New Year's Resolution was to lose the remaining 25 pounds in order to look good on the beach for our California vacation in June. Well....I dropped 3 pounds this week! I have been really counting my calories and getting my cardio and strength training in. I did notice that once I started adding strength training, the scale went up a little bit but i'm not worried since my DR told me that would happen. Muscle weighs more than fat, but the more muscle you gain, more fat you blast even when you are sleeping! So if you can, make sure you build up some muscle on top of cardio! My tip for you! hehehe =) Also, I kicked my Diet Coke habit this week so i'm on Day 4 of no DC. My father and husband have asked why I have been so irritable so i'm blaming that. LOL. Hope you all have been keeping your resolutions as well! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weight loss and Changes!

Hey guys! Well, it's a New Year and with a New Year always come changes (atleast for me!). So I wanted to kinda write about some of the changes occuring in my life here and also for my blog :) As many of you know, I am a full time mom AND a full time online college student and these last few months have been pretty trying personally. While most of the "personal" stuff is finally being put behind us and we are moving on, I have noticed that my school work has been lagging and my attention is not where it should be so while I STILL plan on updating this blog as frequently as I can, it wont be my #1 priority :). So I'm sorry if I go days without posting but I care too much about finishing my education and obviously, raising my children and sometimes you just can't do it all! :)

Oh ANOTHER note (well, kinda!) you will see that I will go back to posting quite frequently about my road to weight loss! If you have been a follower of mine for a while, you know that last year I lost 70 pounds after giving birth to my beautiful daughter. Well, I managed to put on 5 pounds during the holidays and I still have about 25 pounds to go so I will keep you all updated on my progress :) My goal is to put up a pic of me in a two piece in time for our summer vacation back home to Southern California in June! WISH ME LUCK!! hahaha :) I am no dietician or expert, all I know is what works for me so any time you have questions or what not, let me know! I will put my weight loss tracker back up, but instead of last year's progress, I will update it with my starting weight now :)

And on THAT note, I am now off to my treadmill and get my workout in! If you have a FB page, please like my "official" blog page to the right and I will update that as well :) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cricut-less layout

I used Once Upon A Time DCWV paper stack :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birthday celebration!

Hey guys! Well, today is my little girl's FIRST birthday and I'm SO excited! I prayed so hard for years for a little girl and believe me, God did good with this one! It was well worth the wait because I have the most amazing little daughter I could have ever hoped for! I wanted to show you guys the shaped Minnie Mouse card I made her for her birthday. This is going into her scrapbook as I'm hoping to make into tradition making her a card each year! Hopefully one day she'll look back on this and love it!

Oh, and before I forget. This is her birthday banner! This little girl is OBSESSED with Mickey and Minnie Mouse so I thought this was PERFECT!

*One of my New Years Resolutions was to save more $$ and actually open up my Etsy shop so I did just that! :) If you ever see anything on my blog that you love, whether it's a card, layout or just a Cricut cut, let me know and I would be happy to take your custom orders!**

Also- don't forget to enter my iRock giveaway in this link: Giveaway! It closes on Friday!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mickey themed Paperdolls!

Since I am beyond thrilled about our upcoming trip back home to Southern California and of course, our 2 day stay in Disneyland I had the urge to make something Disney! I figured I wanted to make some paperdolls and I came up with two so far. The first one is a boy paperdoll who is obviously having a grand o'l time at Disneyland with his Mickey ears, Mickey Tee and Mickey ice cream bar! LOL I printed out the Tee on my Imagine... **Video will be uploaded this week showing you how!**

The second doll I made is one of my younger son Brad. He dressed up in the cutest Mickey Mouse outfit for Halloween a few years back and I haven't scrapped those pics yet! I figured this was PERFECT to go along with them! =)

**I am selling custom order paperdolls just like these for $1 each for dolls sized up to 5". Anything larger than that are a $1.50!**