
Sunday, December 5, 2010

My personal Card request...

Alright my friends, let me tell you a quick background story on my life. I come from a family of 2 kids and my baby sister Sarai joined the Navy last year and left this past week on her first 8 month deployment. I miss her TERRIBLY, but as much as I know how much I miss her, I know she very much misses her husband of a year (who is also expected to leave on deployment early next year!) and her family and just regular old life. She has been on the verge of and extreme anxiety (as would I if I were facing having to leave the country for 8 months) so I came up with a great idea to hopefully lift her spirits. :D

I will be sending her her first care package in 3 weeks and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if it included some cards from my crafty friends! She loves when I make her cards and scrapbook layouts with pictures of my kids so I know how much she will appreciate this! And to make it more enticing and rewarding for you, for each person who sends me a card, I will hold a drawing for some blog candy! (Still deciding on what exactly but I'll update!)

I know that this is so close to Christmas and i'm sure you are all burned out of making Holiday cards, but I would, from the bottom of my heart, sincerely appreciate it. Any simple card would do, I just want to show her that there are many people out there who truly appreciate what she and thousands of other troops do for our country. I don't think I've ever been more proud of her in my life! :) (My little sis is on the far right, meeting my daughter for the first time in November!)

**If you are interested in sending her a card, please email me at msalmabrooks at yahoo dot com so I can give you exact details on where to send me the card**

Thanks a MILLION!!


  1. What a great way to show your sister your support!! :) I will definitely send her a card to say a HUGE Thank You for what she does!
    Love your new blog back ground, too!

  2. Love your new background and would be happy to send her a card!
    XO ~ Amy Jo
