
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Your Story Mini!

I've been busy in the kitchen making some cookies for my kiddos to decorate tonight but I just HAD to play with my Your Story that came in the mail earlier today. SO CUTE! It's tiny, but it got the job done! Robyn at Pink Stamper and Karlee have a great how to video on this if you'd like to check it out. I tried to cuttlebug my cover then made the mistake of putting the end of the book through which kind of squished it LOL. You live and learn right?? I put in a bunch of white cardstock cut at 6x4 for "notes" and in under less than 2 minutes, my book was done! *Please excuse my messy desk and glue gunk of my mat hehe**

Monday, November 29, 2010

30 Days of Giving- Day 29!

Hey! :) Today is day 29 of this awesome daily blog hop hosted by Jill over at The Scrapoholic and it's my turn again! :D I thought for my project today, I would make a homemade 8x8 planner! (I'm also including a link to my previous project which was earlier this month!) Day 5

I don't know about you, but every New Year's my top 2 resolutions are always 1) lose weight (duh!) and 2) get organized! I've done good with my first one, losing 70lbs this past year, but I can never seem to get organized. So this upcoming year is MY year! LOL. And while I love all the cute and girly planners out there, I figured I might as well put my Cinch and Imagine to good use and make myself one but these would also make GREAT gifts to give out to anybody! :)

Tools needed for this planner:
2 8x8 chipboard covers
Paperbag for pockets
patterned paper for decoration

What I did for the title was I cut out a decorative square from my Imagine at 5" and 4.5" for the brown one. I then cut out 2011 from Don Juan at 2" and I embossed the numbers in light pink. I then adhered jewels all around the edges using my iRock and added some ribbon to the wire. Yes, there is no black in my cover but I chose black ribbon to go along with my pink because that is my favorite color combo! (:D)

The inside calendar pages were used using my Imagine and Designer Calendar cartridge. I cut the pages out to 8x8 and printed my calendar grid (did not cut!) on both sides. I also printed out the months at the top so that I didn't have to do any cutting. :)

And lastly, I cut up a paper bag to 6" and used it as a "pocket" to hold notes and adhered Terrifically Tacky Tape to some post it notes so that I could use those in my planner and also, I could use that pocket to leave emergency info or contact information should I ever hire a babysitter :)

And that's it! I hope you all are having a great Holiday season! Feel free to comment below and let me know any homemade items you've made, I'm always looking for inspiration! :D

Martha Stewart Cartridge *Winner*

I totally wish I could give one of these out to every single one of you, but until I win the lottery I only had 1 to give :) so the winner chosen by is....

Stacey at Stacey's Creative Corner! Stacey wrote:

Congrats Stacey! Please contact me this week so I can send this off to you :)

And thank you everyone else who helping me reach my followers goal, here's to 400! I'm thinking a cartridge giveaway every 100! :D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Last Day..Martha Stewart Cartridge Giveaway!

Remember, the comments thread closes tonight at 11pm central, so get your comments in if you'd like a chance to win the Martha Stewart All Occasions cart!

Here is the link: Giveaway Post!

Good luck!!

Black Friday Blog Hop *Winner!*

Alright- the lucky winner chosen from is.... #7!

Who said...

So Ms. Gina, please contact me so that you can get your prize! Thanx to everyone who commented and participated! You all rock! :D

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Twinkle Toes layout

I LOVE this cart! So girly, it kind of reminds me of the Paper doll carts and it's so easy to layer :) My little girl is too little to be in dance just yet, but I'm saving this page for her pics when she does start dancing! Directions after pic! :)

12x12 pink background
11" scalloped frame cut from Better Together Imagine patterns
Ballerina cut at 6"
Twinkle Toes cut at 3 1/2"
Mats are 4x6

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday small haul!

First off- THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH for helping me reach my short term goal of 300 followers! YOU GUYS ROCK! Thanks to everyone who reposted onto their own blogs, give me a few days to catch up with all my comments and I will make sure to follow each and everyone of you because you are all so talented! Next goal, 400! hehehe =) Maybe I'll make an awesome giveaway a tradition per 100 followers... ;)

**I forgot to mention this earlier but it's NOT too late to enter the giveaway! I'm leaving it open until Sunday night (11pm Central time) and choosing a winner on Monday.**

So, originally I was going to skip Black Friday because my DH works retail so he would be at work all day anyways and I don't know about you, but lugging around 3 kids under the age of 6 is NO FUN! At least, not until they are big enough to hold my bags! LOL... But luckily, my dad (who lives with us) came home early from work and watched my two boys while I took Ms. Julianne shopping and let me tell you, the girl LOVES to shop! Obviously, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree! :) We went to Walmart where they still had a bunch of the "limited edition" carts, they were marked at $25 but I still managed to get Twinkle Toes at $20! Yay! Then we headed off to Michaels where they had all the Gypsy accesories 50% off and OF COURSE I couldn't pass up the pink Gypsy cover! I'm SOOOO excited I got this because I have been wanting it ever since I got my gypsy over a year ago but I just couldn't get myself to spend $25 on it! So $12.49, I could manage! Also- the Recollection stickers and embellishments were 50% off, so I got these two strips as well :)

*The SpongeBob cartridge came for me in the mail today which is why I'm including it! :)*

Hope you all had a great Black Friday! I'd love to hear what deals you all couldn't pass up! I'm a little jealous of those who got colored Expressions! :)

Cupcake Onesie...w/ model! :)

Thank you to all of my new followers- I am ALMOST there so be sure to be on the lookout for the giveaway any time now! :D

I didn't get to do any of the Black Friday shopping because my husband works retail and I am home with 3 kids, so to take my mind off of where I'd love to be, I decided to use what I already have and make my DD a cupcake onesie. I am obsessed with Cupcakes almost as much as the color pink and I call DD cupcake at times so when I saw this cupcake on the Better Together Imagine art cartridge I just KNEW I had to make her one! And I think she wears it well! hehehehe :)

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! If you haven't already posted for the Martha Stewart cart giveaway, here is the link: Giveaway Post!

Have a safe and great Black Friday!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Black Friday Blog Hop

Welcome to the Black Friday Blog Hop! If you've come from visiting Cara atCara you're in the right place!

If you've just happened across my blog and would like to play along with our fun hop, you can go to Crazy about Cricut and start at the beginning. Each blog has created a project centered around the shopping or using the colors black and green. Be sure to visit each blog for inspiration and fun blog candy!

I will admit it. I'm a total shopoholic. It's not a problem (yet!) but it is my favorite pastime (besides scrapbooking!) :) In honor of Black Friday I thought I would make my first altered tote bag using my Imagine and transfer paper. My daughter Julianne is OBSESSED with Minnie Mouse and she is only 10 months old! What can I say, she obviously gets that from her mama. So I thought I'd make her a tote bag to use to put her stuff in now when we go out (like a 2nd diaper bag) and when she gets older she can use it for her own Black Friday shopping! :)

First, let me tell you a quick story as to why I chose to alter a bag. When I was in 3rd grade, one of my friend's mom decided to make totes for all of her friends and boy was a surprised when I got one! I'll never forget it, it was a cream colored tote, with a ballerina bear in the front and my name in the front. It's little memories like that that can inspire your creativity today! :)

*The Minnie ears are kind of hard to see with the black on black in the pic but you should be able to make them out!*

I cut out (and printed out) the Mickey Mouse ears from Mickey Font at 6"
The bow was cut (and printed) at 4 1/2 (or 5.) I'm sorry, I didn't write that down!
Her name was cut out using Don Juan, printed in dark pink at 2 1/2" each.
In order to make it look like Minnie's bow and not ruin the transfer paper, I cut out the bottom piece of the Mickey ears that would be under the bow so that I could just directly iron on the bow onto the fabric instead of on top of the ears.

And just to top off my project, here is a pic of my little girl just because I love to show her off! Her hair now, is about almost down to her lower back. She was born with an INSANE amount of hair. But I LOVE it! :)

For my 2nd project, I made a layout to go to our shopping pictures that I'm sure we will be taking tomorrow! LOL It's a 12x12 sheet of cardstock, with 4 black mats cut at 4x4. I cut the flower and purse from Paisley at 3 1/2" and shopping was cut out from Alphalicious at 2 1/2". The argyle background was cut out into a cross shape at 3" each strip using a Daisy paper pack I bought at Hobby Lobby. Easy! I use to be really into intricate layouts but honestly, the older my kids get, the more pics I take, the less time I have and I realize how important it is just to get the pics scrapped, no matter how simple the layout! :D


I have a giveaway going on a few posts down stating that when I reach 300 followers, I will be giving away a Martha Stewart All Occasions cartridge! Please feel free to become a follower and comment on THAT post.

You could find it here: Giveaway Post!

2ND giveaway specific to this blog hop- Leave a comment under this post and I am giving away 5 Cricut Imagine cuts from your choice of the following cartridges: Blast Off, Better Together, Imagine More, Nursery Tails and Best Friends. If you win, I will contact you and you can decide which 5 cuts you would like! I will close this thread on Friday night and I will use to choose a winner on Saturday. :)

Hope you enjoyed my project and I hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

Here is your next stop: Love 4 stamps!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I have had a crazy and sad past couple of weeks with my family crisis, but you know what? I still believe it's important to be thankful for everything else that is going right in your life! I am a FIRM believe in God so all my thankfulness is going to him :) You should never stop being thankful and you should practice it everyday! :D

My boys are spending Thanksgiving with their father, so it's just me, my husband and our beautiful little girl (who is celebrating her first Thanksgiving) hopping around my two brother in law's houses. Hey, double the food! :)

No project just yet, I'm saving that for my Blog Hop post later on this evening but I hope you all have a great and wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and friends!

Oh and one last thing....

GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I've had a CRAZY past few weeks with my extended family, but like I said before, I'm a strong believer in God and I feel that through trials, he still looks out for me and blesses me and look what I got to order today! :)

I recently purchased the Cinch but I couldn't help myself with this. Karlee and Robyn over at and enabled me with their pretty cool how to videos :) Obviously, I'm the perfect shopper they aim at because it doesn't take much to enable me! hahaha :)

I will post a review once I get it! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ChooChoo layout

My son is obsessed with Thomas the Train so for the past 2 years, he has dressed up as him for Halloween. I hadn't gotten a chance to scrap his pics from LAST year (i'm lazy like that) so last night I got to it. I was feeling reeeeally unproductive so that train (which was cut with B is for Boy) was cut on my Imagine and I just plugged the colors in. See, I didn't want to cut and arrange all kinds of papers on my mat! LOL The letters were cut using black paper and the Blast Off Imagine cart font and the sentiment in between the pictures is actually from Thomas the Train cardstock. :D

Monday, November 22, 2010

Giiiiiveaway! :-)

Seeing how i'm SO close to 300 followers, once I reach my goal I will hold a drawing for a brand new, unlinked Martha Stewart All Occasions cartridge! :-) Don't forget to tell your friends people! If you post this on your own blog, please let me know so I can enter you twice! EASY! :)

*Please leave a comment under THIS post to be entered! :)*

Birthday Fun Layout

This weekend was full of birthday parties for 2 of my nephews and 1 niece. Crazy! :) But we had such a great time so I wanted to scrap a few pictures today because I took the cutest pics of my son and his cousins. I used the background paper from my scraps and the cake and balloons were cut from Stretch Your Imagination using Post It Craft Paper! :D The letters were cut out using Blast Off Imagine cart. But of course, the kiddos are the cutest thing to the page!

Blog Award!

Thank you SO much Stacey over at Stacey's Creative Corner! She passed this award to me and i'm oh, so honored. :)

Now, this award does come with some rules and I have to pay it forward:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

Here are 8 things about me:

1. I have 3 beautiful kids, ages 6, 4 and 10 months.
2. I am very happily married :D
3. I was born and raised in Southern California.
4. I own an Expressions, Imagine, Gypsy, Cuttlebug, The Cinch and countless carts. :)
5. The foundation to my hobby is definitely scrapbooking.
6. I am obsessed with my Blackberry.
7. I could not live without my straightening iron and I have a love affair with my purses.
8. I cried when I found out I was finally have a little girl. I am very girly and my dream has always been to share that with my own daughter.

I would like to pass this award onto the following bloggers that I have recently discovered:
1)Two Krafty Girls
3)Crafting with Christina
4)Crazy About Cricut
5)Cricut Mini Albums
6)Jenn's Scrapbook Nook
7)Kricut Krazy
8)Scrappin with my bug Scrappin With My Bug

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Black Friday Blog Hop!

Letting you guys know that I will participating in a Black Friday blog hop, which will actually start on Thursday at 9pm. Be on the lookout! The theme is shopping/ and or green or black!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Better Together Imagine Card

We've had a pretty hectic day with birthday parties and all, but I wanted to unwind and finally play with my new Better Together cartridge for my Imagine. Seriously, this card took me a whole 5 minutes to complete. (And most of the time came from the printing and cutting! LOL). I made this for my sister who is scheduled to be deployed next week. The card base is 4 1/2x4 1/2 :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daddy's Girls Imagine Layout

After pretty much being an emotional wreck this past week and not getting much done, I've decided that enough is enough and to get back to just living. I finally made it back into my craft space for a bit to just relax while my daughter napped and create a page that meant something special to me. (Not that they all don't!) This layout is a before/after pics of my dad, me and my little sister. We have always been close since we were little and we are such daddy's girls that when my sister surprised him with a visit last week, I knew I just had to document it. DUH! =) My father means more to me and my sis than anyone will ever know, and so this layout is going on a 12x12 shadowbox on my wall. :)

I made the background using the Best Friends Imagine cart, as well as the 10x10 sheet. I cut the flowers from Walk in my Garden and colored them in with colors from Best Friends. (Don't you just love how easy it is to use the Imagine to color coordinate?!) Those were cut using my Post It craft paper, and I used glossy accents for the flower leaves and Crackle Accents for the middle. Nothing fancy, but I wanted the pictures to do most of the talking.


Hey guys, I know I said I was going to be posting my week full of Post It Craft Paper this week but on Monday we had a family emergency and I just have not really been able to get much done. I'm sorry. I will update this as soon as I can with some new projects soon :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Post It Craft Paper Day 1!

I wanted to dedicate this week to projects made incorporating my Post It Craft Paper (which I have fallen in love with!) so for today's project, i'm highlighting the little book I showed on my previous video. I made this 4x4 book for my little niece Courtlyn to draw on and used my Cinch to put it together. The letter C was made by cutting out a C from Mac and Cheese leftover box and cutting out a C from the pink Craft Paper and simply sticking it on top, glimmer misting and finishing it off with glossy accents. Super easy, but cute!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Think Pink Imagine Layout

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, my baby sister who is going on deployment at the end of the month and I haven't seen in a year was in town so I dedicated my time to her and my family :) I made this layout on my Imagine a few weeks back but never posted it so here it is. It's made using the Best Friends cart and really, made me fall in love with my Imagine all over again. The background was printed on the Imagine as well so it was so simple to put together. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New name (Slightly...) :)

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I slightly changed the title of my blog to Alma's Pink Life. It's just easier and wont confuse people to other sites! :) Thanks!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

30 Days of Giving Blog Hop Day 5!

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for following along on this 30 day blog hop that Jill at The Scrapoholic is hosting! We have had 5 awesome projects up until this point and today is my day to share with you! :-)

For my projects, I decided to make some cute little treat bags that I like to give out as thanks or for any occassion. I used the Archiver's line of small bags which measured at 5 x 3 3/4 and cut a piece of white jewel toned Recollections paper at 4 4/3x3 1/2. I then used ribbon from Michael's $1 bin (it had been clearanced out!) and a paper flower that I made out of 4 scalloped circles. (Instructions (and video) on how to make the paper flowers are a few posts down!) The little tag was cut out and welded on my Gypsy and I used some Thank you stamps from Michaels.

The little candy holder was made from the same Recollections paper. (I'm so sorry, I forgot to write the measurements for the paper!) What you want to do is cut out a rectangle, then score two lines to form the middle pocket. Fold the flaps over and cut the edge down diagnally. Adhere some brads, red paper for the middle liner add some ribbon and of course, your candy! These make cute little gift favors for any occasion!

Thank you for letting me share my little gift bags with you! Cannot wait to see what tomorrow's project will be! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3 of 30 Days of Giving Blog Hop!


Make sure you head on over to Kelly Jo's Kreations to see what she made!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 Days of Gift Giving Blog Hop! Day 2

*I am linking Jill's Scrapoholic post since hers was the first stop yesterday!*


Today is the second day of 30 Days of Blog Hopping! Each day You will find a blog to visit with some awesome "gift" project with some sort of "recipe" or Instructions on how they made it. Some will have their projects available for sale too! This hop is quite different than most because you only have one blog to visit in one day. So you get to really get the project, maybe even try one yourself and check out the rest of their blog too! Be sure to follow the blogs and leave them some "love Behind" (comment on their project).

Make sure you visit Martha over at Crafty Dreams today!

Monday, November 1, 2010

SweetSassyDiva Design Team!

Hi! I'm so sorry i've been lacking in my posts, I've had a crazy week with finals and Halloween and to top it off I was chosen to be a part of SweetSassyDiva's design Team (my very first!) so I was working on my project for her! We all know how important October was for Breast Cancer Awareness but we should keep that awareness going all year long! I made this Hope layout using Pink and Black to do my part and to remind you all to remember to get checked! Don't forget to check out SweetSassyDiva's blog for the rest of the team's projects!! :)

Paper Flower Tutorial

*Check out Click Samantha (Pinkaboo6691) for her awesome mini and tutorials! She inspired me on these!