
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My weight loss plan.

I am not a doctor, nor am I by any means qualified to instruct anyone on how to lose weight. But since I'm documenting my journey of weight loss, I figured I might as well tell you how I do it and what works for me. :) If you dont "Agree" with any of this then follow a different plan.

Total daily calories- 1500
!Important!- Write EVERYTHING you eat in a food journal. NO JOKE.
Exercise (5x a week)- 500 calories a session
Weigh yourself once a week. You should lose between 1-2lbs a week.

This is what I do. Really simple. And it works. No diet pills, no crazy diets. Just calorie restriction and exercise. I once read that Carrie Underwood keeps a food journal and thought, wow, that's a little extreme. But then I started keeping one and believe me, it is SO beneficial. It keeps you accountable for everything you eat and right on track. When it's 8pm and i'm only at 1250 calories eaten, I know it's ok to eat that string cheese. If it's 8pm and I havent kept my food journal, I dont remember what all i've eaten and I could easily slip and eat more than I should. IT WORKS. I'm already at 20 pounds lost since February and 45 pounds lost overall. If this keeps up, I should be hitting my goal weight by August/September. :)

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