
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I'm going to take a quick second to just AW my daughter for a bit. I went to Kohl's to buy her and the boys new clothes and wanted to play dress up with her. I would say she more than pulled it off! This girl LOVES the camera, it's so funny. And of course, she gets a little encouragement from her parents too ;)

Quick update on my tonsillectomy recovery. It still sucks. The pain might be getting less and less every day but the fact that food just doesnt taste good right now really sucks. On the bright side, i'm not as hungry AND i've managed to lose a couple of pounds (which wont go into my weight loss tracker until next weigh in).

I am so excited because I am finally going to learn how to cook! Yes, I dont know how to cook So my awesome mother in law is going to teach me. I'm pretty excited. That is the last obstacle I needed to overcome to really feel secure and confident in my position as "homemaker". I always feel kind of guilty checking that little box when asked what my occupation is because I feel that a true homemaker wouldnt call dinner mac and cheese and a frozen pizza. Luckily Chris is a really good cook (even better griller) so we're safe for now. Once I make guinea pigs out of my family, then i'm sure no one would have wished I learned! Or at least tried.

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