
Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 4 of tonsillectomy recovery.

I somehow managed to get pretty good sleep last night with no pain which is always awesome! But I stepped on the scale today and it looks like I havent lost any weight. :( That was my silvery lining and i'm a little dissapointed. Haha. But oh well. I guess once this is done and over with I will just go back to my exercise/eating routine and back on my weight loss plan. No biggie. I'm done getting stressed out about things and if I get a couple of weeks behind, i'm not gonna sweat it. The only timeline i'm under is my own so I can take as long as I want to lose this weight. My throat is still inflammed and it still hurts to swallow but if this is the worse of it, i'm doing good! God is definitely blessing me with good pain tolerance and hopefully it's just uphill from here! (:

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